Episode 83: JUNE 1987 WWF NEWS & RESULTS! Duggan & Rockers OUT, Dibiase & Warrior IN

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The Grenade is back with Episode #83 featiuring tons of news, results and SOUNDBITES GALORE for JUNE 1987 in the WWF! First, we tackle the latest WWF news including… The FIRING of the Iron Sheik & Hacksaw Duggan, The Rockers are hired… and then fired as well.. Plus, we talk the brand new IC Champion The Honky Tonk Man, Junkyard Dog is back, The Million Dollar Man gimmick begins to develop, I’ll break down the Rougeaus/Dino Bravo feud, WWF implements their first drug test, Mr. T RETURNS, Muraco & Orton splitting up, Jerry Lawler suing the WWF, Jimmy Jack Funk loses his eyeball AND his job, Jesse Ventura – Hollywood Bound? And Soundbites galore featuring 40 LOCALIZED PROMOS!!!

From there, I’ll look into WWF Results for the month of June covering MSG, The Spectrum, Maple Leaf Gardens, Sam Houston Coliseum, Boston Garden, Nassau Coliseum, Richfield Coliseum, The ARCO Arena, and more! Featuring Return TEXAS DEATH MATCHES with WWF Champion Hulk Hogan vs. King Harley Race, Tag Champions The Hart Foundation vs. The British Bulldogs INSIDE A STEEL CAGE, Ken Patera rages war on the Heenan Family, The Can-Ams are coming for the Islanders, the Dingo Warrior arrives, Ted Dibiase turns heel on Houston-in Houston, Bam Bam Bigelow continues to impress, Bruno Sammartino in action, The Jumping Bomb Angels introduce their style to North America, we get our first look at Rick Rude, we salute Cpl. Kirchner for his time in the WWF, Macho Man vs. Honky Tonk in a battle of the heels! All of that, and did I mention Soundbites Galore featuring 40 LOCALIZED PROMOS!!!

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The Grenade is back with Episode #83 featiuring tons of news, results and SOUNDBITES GALORE for JUNE 1987 in the WWF! First, we tackle the latest WWF news including… The FIRING of the Iron Sheik & Hacksaw Duggan, The Rockers are hired… and then fired as well.. Plus, we talk the brand new IC Champion The Honky Tonk Man, Junkyard Dog is back, The Million Dollar Man gimmick begins to develop, I’ll break down the Rougeaus/Dino Bravo feud, WWF implements their first drug test, Mr. T RETURNS, Muraco & Orton splitting up, Jerry Lawler suing the WWF, Jimmy Jack Funk loses his eyeball AND his job, Jesse Ventura – Hollywood Bound? And Soundbites galore featuring 40 LOCALIZED PROMOS!!!

From there, I’ll look into WWF Results for the month of June covering MSG, The Spectrum, Maple Leaf Gardens, Sam Houston Coliseum, Boston Garden, Nassau Coliseum, Richfield Coliseum, The ARCO Arena, and more! Featuring Return TEXAS DEATH MATCHES with WWF Champion Hulk Hogan vs. King Harley Race, Tag Champions The Hart Foundation vs. The British Bulldogs INSIDE A STEEL CAGE, Ken Patera rages war on the Heenan Family, The Can-Ams are coming for the Islanders, the Dingo Warrior arrives, Ted Dibiase turns heel on Houston-in Houston, Bam Bam Bigelow continues to impress, Bruno Sammartino in action, The Jumping Bomb Angels introduce their style to North America, we get our first look at Rick Rude, we salute Cpl. Kirchner for his time in the WWF, Macho Man vs. Honky Tonk in a battle of the heels! All of that, and did I mention Soundbites Galore featuring 40 LOCALIZED PROMOS!!!

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Episode 83