• The WrestleCopia Podcast Network has kicked into high gear, as we have welcomed the wrestling legend BOB ROOP to the brand. Be sure to check out The Wrestling Stoop w/Bob Roop Podcast, featuring decades of memories from the man himself. Bob not only recounts memories of his own career and experiences, but he shares priceless and hilarious stories involving many of the legends of the mat. Thus far, just some of the names covered include Terry Funk, Hulk Hogan, Roddy Piper ,Don Fargo, Pat Patterson, Andre the Giant, Ron Wright, Promoter Roy Shire, Eddie Graham, Steve “Dr. Death” Williams, and so many more!
  • Be on the look out in early 2024 for WrestleCopia VideoCasts! We have now purchased the software & hardware needed to bring you a quality VIDEO watch-along… Where you can not only VIEW what we’re watching, but hear and SEE our reactions as the show goes along! It should make for a fun time! We are currently experimenting right now with what type of shows we plan to integrate into this Video Show! Stay tuned!
  • The Regional Rasslin Podcast welcomes a third brand-new project as of December 2023, as we have started out deep dive into 1985 in the MEMPHIS TERRITORY! We kicked it off with Guest Steve Crawford as we set the stage for 1985 by looking back and many recent goings on in Jerry Jarrett’s CWA, both in the ring, and behind the scenes!
  • You can look forward to more Memphis Wrestling discussion from 1985 beginning in the New Year! January 2024 we will begin covering the weekly CWA TV from WMC TV-5 Studios! We hope to see Steve Crawford back in the saddle down the road, but we also welcome Guest Gene Jackson who will be joining us for the ride down Mempho Memory Lane! You can follow along with the TV programs on the WrestleCopia Youtube account linked below.
  • The Regional Rasslin’ Podcast also touts Guests Jammie Ward and Roman Gomez as they continue to aid in dissecting 1981 in Georgia Championship Wrestling and 1986 in Bill Watts’ UWF respectively.
  • The Wrestling Memory Grenade Podcast has finished up the 1987 WWF Project, and now it’s on to 1988 in the World Wrestling Federation! We continue our trip back in time through the “Hulkamania Era” as we start off another year, 1988. Right now, Ted Dibiase has just purchased the services of one Andre the Giant just in time for the WWF’s first ever LIVE prime time program “The Main Event”, coming soon to the show. In the mean time, enjoy the month of January as we tackle the Jan. 2nd edition of Saturday Night’s Main Event and the upcoming USA Special… THE ROYAL RUMBLE!
  • Monday Warfare: RAW VS. NITRO! We have not forgotten about the Monday Night War era! I am currently in the process of finding a full time co-host who can aid in the discussion of the weekly episodic battle of the WWF vs. WCW. Seeking someone with some form of podcasting background and knowledge from this era so that we may discuss it from first-hand experience and memories.
  • Check out the WrestleCopia Patreon Account! Patreon.com/WrestleCopiaWe’re essentially giving away the farm for our popular $5 All Access Tier. Insanely Detailed Book-like Show Notes for all episodes of the Grenade, Monday Warfare & Regional Rasslin’, Early Access to Podcasts. REMASTERED versions of the Grenade covering 1989 in the NWA including enhanced audio and plenty of new conversations that were initially left on the cutting room floor!  All of that plus DIGITAL DOWNLOADS for your reading and viewing pleasure and YES, our PATREON EXCLUSIVE WATCH-ALONG SERIES featuring WCW & WWF Events!!! ALL OF THAT FOR THE LOW… LOW PRICE OF ONLY $5!!!!! No Subscription, Cancel anytime. Give us a try!
    Make sure you sign up for your All Access Patreon Pass before it’s all filled up!
  • I ask anyone using a Podcast Streaming App that allows you to RATE our shows (such as Apple) to PLEASE give us that 5 STAR RATING, and leave a few comments if you have the time. It’s crucial to our growth!
  • Please Subscribe to our Youtube Channel for upcoming releases.  We’ve added tons of new, rare, exclusive content to our Channel from the UWF and Houston 1986, Memphis, Georgia, IWE Japan, and more. New content posted weekly. SUBSCRIBE NOW to Youtube.com/RASSLINGRENADE
  • Remember to Follow Ray Russell & The Wrestling Memory Grenade on Twitter @RasslinGrenade
  • Follow the WrestleCopia brand on Twitter @WrestleCopia
  • LIKE & Follow our Facebook Account
  • Please, everyone have a HAPPY & SAFE Holiday season!

Further reading