Bob talks his time wrestling and booking in 1977 San Francisco, the dark side of Roy Shire, Al Madril's Ultimatum, Pat Patterson, Pepper...
Bob talks wrestling JYD, Holiday Wrestling, fans with weapons, Andre in Iraq, Don Fargo dragging a cinder block by his... pee-pee, Ron...
This week Bob shares hilarious Terry Funk Stories. Plus, we talk another Puerto Rico Riot, Dory Funk Jr., Scary Ribs, Rasslin' Bears...
Bob Roop talks his very first match, meeting Hulk Hogan, a funny story vs. Dr. Death, Puerto Rico Riots, When Fans Attack, Mr. TREE-rific...
Bob Roop talks breaking inand touches on Ron Fuller & the Knoxville 5 situation, Sam Muchnick, Eddie Graham, Sputnik Monroe, Ron Wright, &...