We thought it'd never see the light of day, but here it is... Tasteless TR-Nac, "Tommy Rich" stops in, and the MOST OBSCENE Sizzling Six...
Dedicated to the memory of Nate Bush. The Sizzling 6 Becomes the Fiery 15. TR-nac Returns, plus we talk AEW acquisitions, Bobby Eaton...
It's the Return of TRnac the Magnificent!!! Plus more of Tom's Sizzling 6, Ray Russell spends a day with Tommy Rich, & more!
TR returns with the long-awaited debut of TR's "SIZZLING SIX"! Listen to find out which 6 ladies in the rasslin biz cracked the list of...
“Tommy Rich” drops in while TR shoots on WrestleMania, Kevin Nash, Natalya, the Snuka/Argentino situation, Braun Strowman, and more!
TR Talks AEW Dynamite 3/31/21, Old Face Edge, Christian's Return, Arn Andersin Stories, Arcade Anarchy, IMPACT Wrestling, the Hurt Business...
In this episode, Tom & Ray review AEW Dynamite for 3/24/21 & Discretion Advised when Tom gets very candid about his thoughts on Nyla Rose...
Tom Robinson is back to SHOCK THE WORLD once again! In this episode we break down the entire WWE Fastlane PPV heading into WrestleMania 37...