November 1988 WWF TV continues! Rockers vs. Rougeaus, Andre's fear brings him to tears, Akeem the African Dream, Hitman vs. Hammer, New...
November 1988 WWF TV begins with the Debut of Mr. Perfect, Survivor Series takes shape, Rockin Robin wins gold, Andre fears Snakes, goodbye...
November 1988 WWF News & Results! Talking Hirings, Firings, Injuries, Lawsuits, Survivor Series Changes, THEY LIVE, Macho/Bad News, Sugar...
Saturday Night's Main Event October 1988. Jake vs. Rude, Andre has a Phobia, Hart Foundation vs. Demolition, Hulk Hogan vs. King Haku, Boss...
WWF Champ The Macho Man endorses The Mighty Hercules. The Hulkster vows revenge on the Big Boss Man, Survivor Series matches are announced...
The Big Boss Man destroys Hulk Hogan on the set of the Brother Love Show, Brain Busters Debut, Tito has a Rude Awakening for Ravishing...
The Mr. Perfect vignettes continue, Bobby Heenan's "Little Red Rooster", Jake & Cheryl Roberts makes a promise to Rick Rude, Gorilla...
Special Guest John Poz joins to talk October 1988 WWF TV! The Red Rooster Debuts, the Hercules Turn, Akeem, Macho Man, Warrior, Honky...
The Mighty Hercules turns face when he informs Ted Dibiase that he can't be bought! Plus, Mr. Perfect vignettes debut, Akeem dances...
Breaking down the Bulldogs/Rougeaus real-life feud & the Dynamite/Jacques Fight! Harley Race Returns, Muraco & JYD Fired, The Brain Busters...
BEHOLD... the debut of... AKEEM!!! The Baron makes another rare sighting with the Powers of Pain. Craig DeGeorge's final appearance...
The Fabulous Rougeaus introduce their SURPRISE new manager, Jimmy Hart! Plus, Bad News calls out Macho Man, Boss Man calls out Hogan...