WE CLOSEOUT 1993 IN THE WWF with the month of DECEMBER as Bret Hart responds to Owen's Challenge, Jeff Jarrett Debuts, Tatanka vs. Ludvig...
We say Goodbye to Bobby Heenan. Owen Hart challenges brother Bret, Shawn Michaels Razor’s Edges Ramon ON THE CONCRETE, and much more!
The All American vs. The Foreign Fanatics, Bret Hart leads his Brothers vs. Shawn Michaels & His Knights. Team Razor vs. Team IRS. Bam Bam...
All November TV leading into the PPV including the Survivor Series Showdown when Bret finally gets his WWF Title rematch vs. Yokozuna...
This week we look into all the news from November of 93 in the WWF. Including Vince McMahon's Indictment, Jerry Lawler's Indictment, plus...
Episode 51: OCTOBER 1993 in the WWF – Savage/Crush Summit, Borga Pins Tatanka, IC Title Battle Royal
The IC Title Battle Royal. The Savage/Crush Summit. Ludvig Borga ends the UNDEFEATED streak of Tatanka. “Double J” Jeff Jarrett arrives...
It’s a monster-packed September 1993 in the WWF. Shawn Michaels QUITS, the Steiners SUSPENDED, and Matt Borne (Doink) FIRED from the...
The Lex Express rolls into Auburn Hills as Lex Luger challenges Yokozuna for the WWF Title. Bret Hart looks to exact revenge on Jerry...
Tag Champs The Steiners vs. Money Inc inside a STEEL CAGE. Lex talks Steroids. Bloated HBK. Mr. Hughes' firing. Bobby Heenan trolls...