March 1988 WWF TV - WrestleMania IV Hype Peaks, Bob Uecker Rules, Heenan at his finest, a Battle Royal is Announced, & Soundbites Galore!
March 1988 WWF News & Results, BRUNO QUITS, House Show Royal Rumbles, Steel Cage 6-Mans, Bigelow Reinjured, House Cleaning the undercard...
WrestleMania IV begins to take shape as Tournament Brackets Are Switched! Plus, Warrior vs. Harley Race, Rude Theme Music, Ghetto Blasters...
Jack Tunney strips Ted Dibiase of the WWF Title and announces a Tournament to crown a NEW WWF Champion at WrestleMania IV! Plus, Warrior vs...
February 1988 WWF News & Results + 30 Local Promos! Hulk & Bigelow vs. Andre & Dibiase, 6-Man Cage Match -w/Macho & Strike Force vs. Honky...
It's WWF's historical "THE MAIN EVENT" program from February 5, 1988! HULK VS. ANDRE, TWIN REFEREES, A TITLE CHANGE, MACHO VS. HONKY...
HULK VS. ANDRE II Hype, Get Well Matilda, Bad News Brown in-ring debut, Macho/Honky confrontation, DeGeorge meets Miss Betsy, Herc...
The 1988 Royal Rumble featuring the 20-Man Rumble, Hulk/Andre Contract Signing, Rude vs. Steamboat, Glamour Girls vs. Bomb Angels, more!
Ted Dibiase Buys Andre the Giant, Bad News Brown Arrives, Islanders Suspended, A RUDE Awakening, Matilda Returned, & much more!