1962 in Japan, Fred Blassie leaves fans DEAD, World Title Changes, Tag Title Changes, 4th Annual World League, Thesz, Baba abroad, Inoki...
Featuring 1961 Japan. The 3rd World League Tournament, Great Antonio’s rise and fall, Title vs. Mask, Kintaro Oki, Antonio Inoki...
Featuring the beginning stories and DEBUTS of ANTONIO INOKI and THE GIANT BABA! Plus, the 2nd Annual World League, Ricky Waldo, Midgets...
Featuring the First Ever World League Tournament! Plus, Mr. Atomic Debuts, Studio Wrestling, an Unmasking, Bloodshed, Color TV, Enrique...
This week we look at 1958 in Japanese Wrestling History. Canceled TV, Rikidozan Dethrones Thesz, Shady Business, Azumafuji Retires, more!
NWA Champion Lou Thesz vs. Rikidozan, Weekly TV begins in Japan, Hiro Matsuda's disdain for Riki, Bobo Brazil, the mystery of Black Jimmy...