Episode 18: GEORGIA WRESTLING 1981 (JYD Blinded, Dibiase Hospitalized! Michael Hayes Birthday Bash)

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Regional Rasslin’ back discussing Georgia 1981 with Guest Jammie Ward. We talk two very pivotal pieces of wrestling history as The Fabulous Freebirds celebrate Michael Hayes’ Birthday weekend by hospitalizing Ted Dibiase with a severe neck injury, and then blinding the Junkyard Dog (AGAIN!). We close out the month of March looking at more TV and the 3/29 OMNI Card featuring Steve O filling in for the injured Dusty Rhodes to capture the National Heavyweight Title from Don Carson’s Stomper! Plus, the Andersons have their issues with Mr. Wrestling #2, Tommy Rich aligns himself with JYD, WWF Champion Bob Backlund in town, Ted Oates’ Columbus-only feud with Bobby Eaton, Kevin Sullivan & Steve Keirn being phased out, Tony Atlas returns from a bodybuilding competition, and so much more!

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LOOKING AT MARCH 28th TV & 29th OMNI SHOW, 1981 (w/Guest Co-Host Jammie Ward)
Regional Rasslin’ back discussing Georgia 1981 with Guest Jammie Ward. We talk two very pivotal pieces of wrestling history as The Fabulous Freebirds celebrate Michael Hayes’ Birthday weekend by hospitalizing Ted Dibiase with a severe neck injury, and then blinding the Junkyard Dog (AGAIN!). We close out the month of March looking at more TV and the 3/29 OMNI Card featuring Steve O filling in for the injured Dusty Rhodes to capture the National Heavyweight Title from Don Carson’s Stomper! Plus, the Andersons have their issues with Mr. Wrestling #2, Tommy Rich aligns himself with JYD, WWF Champion Bob Backlund in town, Ted Oates’ Columbus-only feud with Bobby Eaton, Kevin Sullivan & Steve Keirn being phased out, Tony Atlas returns from a bodybuilding competition, and so much more!

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Episode 18