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We begin our latest venture back in time to 1985 in the Memphis Wrestling territory! Guest Steve Crawford joins the program to set the stage for 1985 in the CWA by talking a variety of topics and bring everyone up to speed on the product. We discuss the changes in the wrestling business, the WWF’s national expansion, Pro Wrestling USA, the Memphis/Georgia alliance that lasted only 2 months, Gordon Solie replacing Dave Brown on commentary (BRU-THER), Angelo Poffo’s ICW, Jerry Lawler’s jealousy with the Fabs, Jerry Jarrett paying for Jimmy Valiant’s “black house”, Rick Rude’s face turn, where does Korchenko rate on the list of wrestling “Russians”, & more! From there, to prepare for the new year we look over a pair of late December 1984 Mid-South Coliseum cards, we also take a gander at the January 1985 Mempho roster and roll call of Champions. Finally, we discuss the “Reset Button” being hit to begin the new year of 1985, & so much more! 
*** DISCLAIMER: Please pardon the feedback/echo during portions of the broadcast from my end. It was unavoidable as it appears my end was picking up Steve’s speakers at times, causing an unforseen echo when I spoke here and there. We hope you can look through that and enjoy the program for the great conversation. It was a ton of fun as we get ready for the CWA in 1985.  Thanks!)

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MEMPHIS 1985 – SETTING THE STAGE (w/Guest Co-Host Steve Crawford)
We begin our latest venture back in time to 1985 in the Memphis Wrestling territory! Guest Steve Crawford joins the program to set the stage for 1985 in the CWA by talking a variety of topics and bring everyone up to speed on the product. We discuss the changes in the wrestling business, the WWF’s national expansion, Pro Wrestling USA, the Memphis/Georgia alliance that lasted only 2 months, Gordon Solie replacing Dave Brown on commentary (BRU-THER), Angelo Poffo’s ICW, Jerry Lawler’s jealousy with the Fabs, Jerry Jarrett paying for Jimmy Valiant’s “black house”, Rick Rude’s face turn, where does Korchenko rate on the list of wrestling “Russians”, & more! From there, to prepare for the new year we look over a pair of late December 1984 Mid-South Coliseum cards, we also take a gander at the January 1985 Mempho roster and roll call of Champions. Finally, we discuss the “Reset Button” being hit to begin the new year of 1985, & so much more!

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