"Dr. D" David Schultz returns to Memphis after the 20/20 Stossel incident, Kareem Muhammad arrives, Lawler Fireballs, Koko lashes, Battle...
Vandal Drummond talks his memories of 1970s Los Angeles as we prepare to talk the dying days of the 1980s. Piper, Chavo, Funk, Bionic Arm...
This week we set the stage for the 1977 Tennessee Territory Split between Jerry Jarrett vs. Nick Gulas & Roy Welch. Talking Lawler, Dr...
This week we finish the 1986 UWF project by looking at the final 2 weeks of December 86 TV. Duggan vs. Gang, Steiner & Sting vs. Taylor &...
Dusty Rhodes declares WAR on Kabuki, Roddy Piper has issues with the Armstrongs, NWA Champ Flair vs. Tommy Rich, Superstar, Leroy Brown...
Hacksaw Duggan brawls with One Man Gang, Terry Taylor chasing Tag Gold, the Freebirds' Hair Removal Cream returns, Dr. Death vs. Angel of...