The Wrestling Memory Grenade Episode 85: WWF 1987 Midpoint – Million Dollar Man Debuts, Mr. Wonderful Returns, Mr. T Meets Macho Man by admin
The Wrestling Memory Grenade Episode 84: WWF June 1987 TV – Honky Tonk Man Wins IC Gold! JYD Returns! by admin
The Wrestling Memory Grenade Episode 83: JUNE 1987 WWF NEWS & RESULTS! Duggan & Rockers OUT, Dibiase & Warrior IN by admin
The Wrestling Memory Grenade Episode 82: WWF in 1987 Continues – Islanders Heel Turn, Gang Debuts, Hogan v. Orton by admin
The Wrestling Memory Grenade Episode 81: MAY 1987 WWF TV (Bulldog vs. Hitman, Bruti Barber Shop, Slick Sings!) by admin