The Retro Wrestling Re-View Episode #28: USWA TV 6/19/93 (New Jack Debuts, Owen Hart Headed In, Taker Returning!) by admin
The Retro Wrestling Re-View Episode #26: USWA TV 6/5/93: The Undertaker is coming to Memphis! by admin
The Wrestling Memory Grenade Episode 70: WWF In Your House VI – STEEL CAGE w/Bret Hart vs. Diesel (Feb. 96) by admin
The Wrestling Memory Grenade Episode 57: WWF 1993/1994 REVIEW & AWARDS, PLUS ASK US ANYTHING!!! by admin
The Wrestling Memory Grenade Episode 56: CLOSING OUT 1993 IN THE WWF – BRET ANSWERS OWEN’S CHALLENGE by admin
The Wrestling Memory Grenade Episode 55: WWF 1993 – BYE-BYE BOBBY HEENAN, OWEN CHALLENGES BRET, HBK EDGES RAZOR by admin
The Wrestling Memory Grenade Episode 51: OCTOBER 1993 in the WWF – Savage/Crush Summit, Borga Pins Tatanka, IC Title Battle Royal by admin