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Listen at your leisure and pick back up later if need be!
- Christine Rosati Passes Away
- Barry Windham Returning / Ron Simmons Debuting
- Stone Cold’s mangled lip
- An influx of WWF preliminary talent, featuring a plethora of ridiculous gimmicks as we talk Salvatore Sincere, Freddie Joy Floyd, TL Hopper, “The Pug” Alex Porteau, The Goon, and… WHO!?!
- Brian Pillman beats a Bushwhacker
- 45-Minute Battle between Duke “The Dumpster” Droese vs. Aldo Montoya!!!
- Brian Pillman suffers a setback with his ankle injury
- And you knew it was coming… ULTIMATE WARRIOR DRAMA begins (again), as the Warrior Man misses several house shows over the prior week of live events.

- THE ROCKERS EXPLODE… AGAIN!!! When WWF Champion Shawn Michaels takes on Marty Jannetty
- Jim Cornette shows up in the corner of Jannetty to further the HBK/Camp Cornette heat heading into In Your House: International Incident.
- Phineas Godwinn sees the light and SLOPS SUNNY!
- SummerSlam coming to Cleveland, OH
- Mankind vs. Duke “The Dumpster” Droese (in Duke’s final match on Raw)
- Jerry Lawler lays into Jake Roberts hard on commentary, leading to a physical altercation
- Mankind takes out The Snake
- “Wildman” Marc Mero battles Goldust
- The WWF begins their own version of a potential “Lesbian” storyline between Marlena & Sable.

- DDP says his Lord of the Ring… ring… has been STOLEN!
- Tag Champs Harlem Heat have a banger vs. The Steiner Brothers
- Col. Rob Parker aids the Harlem Heat, but WHY?
- Woman wants to tap Liz’s assets…
- Our World is STILL About to Change. GLACIER IS COMING! Blood STILL Running Cold, for now…
- Disco Inferno gets creative in his win over Kurasawa when he uses a DISCO BALL as a weapon!
- Scott Riggs feels the BANG of DDP and the Diamond Cutter.
- A WrestleMania Rematch from 1988 when Greg “The Hammer” Valentine arrives in WCW to take on The Macho Man!
- Eric Bischoff Returns from his injuries at the hands of the Outsiders
- See what happens when it’s time for “Hour Two” of Nitro and we’re in the middle of a match… Macho Man & Greg Valentine rush to finish their match in time.
- WCW Champion The Giant vs. Big John Tenta
- Big Bubba shaves HALF the bears of Tenta to match his hair
- Rey Misterio Jr. Highlights
- Kevin Nash receives a name, as the Outsiders arrive with ringside seats!
- Hacksaw Duggan finds DDP’s lost ring, and gives it back to him. (Boy does he give it to him!)
- 8-Man Tag – All Four Horsemen vs. Rock & Roll Express, The Renegade & Desperado Joe Gomez
- Hear what happens when Steve McMichael botches his interference in the finish and calls an audible… it’s AIR HALIBURTON!
- The Landover Police Department escort the Outsiders from the arena as we head to Dayton for the Bash at the Beach and the big 6-Man Tag between Luger, Sting, & Macho vs. Hall, Nash, and a Mystery Man!
- I’ll break down the realistic feel of parts of the invasion angle, while critiquing Bischoff & The Ousiders sell job during various segments throughout the night.
- Plus, Mean Gene Interviews The Horsemen, DDP, Dungeon of Doom, Hacksaw Duggan
- All of that, and I’ll share the “REAL WINNER” here this week. Who had the better shoiw? I’ll share my thoughts.
- AND OF COURSE, we take a look at the July 1, 1996 TV Ratings as Nitro has begun their reign of 83 Weeks on top!