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It’s the Monday Night War for the week of July 15, 1996 as HULK HOGAN makes his first appearance since his HEEL TURN at Bash at the Beach! Plus, Eddy Guerrero battles Chris Benoit, The Outsiders take advantage of missing WCW superstars, it’s Malenko vs. Kidman, Steiners vs. Norton & Train, Fire & Ice Explodes, & more! Then on Raw, Sycho Sid arrives to counter Camp Cornette, HBK & Ahmed Johnson defend their respective titles against Sunny’s Smoking Gunns, and the Raw debut of TL Hopper!
- Sycho Sid Back Injury Update
- Triple H signs new contract
- Barry Windham headed back to the WWF as THE STALKER!
- Ahmed Johnson breaks his nose
- The Iron Sheik Returning as a manager
- Fatu undergoing another gimmick change
- In Your House – International Incident Results (Sid Returns, Taker/Mankind brawl, Vader pins HBK)
- It’s Shawn Michaels Birthday, but it’s Sunny who takes the cake!
- The Goooon makes his Raw debut vs. “Wildman” Marc Mero
- “Stone Cold” Steve Austin on commentary for a tremendous soundbite!
- The Goon slips on the Ice-ing
- Bob Backlund Campaigns for President
- Gorilla Monsoon meets with Attorney Clarence Mason and CRUSH!
- Mankind vs. Freddie Joe Floyd (Tracy Smothers)
- Brian Pillman discusses the 7 deadly words of TV
- Goldust battles Barry Horowitz (finishing up)
- SUMMERSLAM ’96 begins to take shape with the Boiler Room Brawl Match and HBK vs. Vader announced
- Jim Cornette & Vader comment on their upcoming WWF Title match vs. HBK.
- Tag Champs The Smoking Gunns vs. Ahmed Johnson & Shawn Michaels in a fun TV Match
- RON SIMMONS makes his WWF Debut in a “Gladiator” Costume….. DAMN!
WCW NEWS (00:33:39)
- Glacier/Blood Runs Cold On Hold!
- The FTC approves a Turner/Time Warner Merger
- Scott Norton vs. Squire David Taylor ends in an odd finish
- Ric Flair is MIA
- An “IRS” chant breaks out…
- VK Wallstreet meets Konnan
- A brand NEW Glacier Vignette airs!
- “Music Video” of 4 hot prospects on the beach – The Renegade, Joe Gomez, Jimmy Powers & Alex Wright
- 8-Man Action with the Dungeon of Doom vs. Renegade/Gomez/Powers/Wright
- The Nitro debut of Braun the Leprechaun
- WCW Champ The Giant chokeslams everyone, then accepts Hulk Hogan’s Challenge for Hog Wild!
- The Outsiders invade the production truck, chico!
- The Booty Man is still a thing?
- DDP vs. Prince Iaukea… BANG!
- Chavo Guerrero Jr. makes his Nitro debut vs. Dean Malenko (good match)
- What is the connection between Jimmy Hart & Dean Malenko?
- Ice Train vs. MENG ina abttle of the hosses
- Did you know Hulk Hogan turned heel?
- Eddy Guerrero vs. Psicosis in a rematch from 2 weeks ago!
- 6-Man Tag: Sting, Lex Luger & Macho Man vs. Horsemen – Benoit, Mongo & Flair???
- Still MIA, Ric Flair no shows the main event, leading to Arn Anderson replacing
- Mean Gene talks women’s underwear while The Macho Man channels his inner-Booker T… Suckerrrrr!
- Plus, Mean Gene speaks with the Horsemen, Macho Man, Lex Luger, Sting, and more!
- All of that, and I’ll share the “REAL WINNER” here this week. Who had the better show? I’ll share my thoughts.
- AND OF COURSE, we take a look at the July 22, 1996 TV Ratings as Raw comes out of the In Your House PPV and both companies battle the 1996 Olympics!