It’s all the fallout from the NWA’s Clash of the Champions 8 as we cover another 3 weeks of NWA goodness, including heavy coverage of the Ric Flair/Terry Funk suffocation angle. Robin Green becomes a WOMAN, Scott Steiner meets his DOOM, Paul E. is both kayfabe and shoot fired, the Roadies are destined for a battle with the SkyScrapers, plus has Jim Cornette lost his mind… advising the Dynamic Dudes??? All of that, and we hear from Lex Luger as he chimes in on the Grenade!
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Listen at your leisure and pick back up later if need be! Timestamps below for easy navigation.
LEX LUGER Replies to the Grenade! (00:02:21)
We hear from the Total Package himself, Lex Luger @GenuineLexLuger on Twitter, after he viewed one of our recent Video Tweets (also available on our Youtube Channel!). We recently posted a match featuring Lex Luger vs. Ranger Ross in which Lex slips off the middle rope and lands right on the schnoz! Hear how the man himself Lex Luger responded to our post and our thoughts on the entire ordeal!
Special thanks again to Jim Ross @JRsBBQ on Twitter for responding to our post on his sell job when he sees Robin Green in her “Woman” outfit for the first time!
NWA Notes & News (00:11:06)
We talk Clash 8 Quick Results
TBS receives a flood of complaints after the suffocation angle
Roos Shoes
The New NWA Booking Committee, who’s in and who’s out?
Paul E. Dangerously is FIRED, plus other politics involving Hot Stuff & Hyatt
The Brain Busters give notice to the WWF!
NWA Pro 9/16/89 (00:36:57)
There’s no Power Hour due to the Braves Game so we kick things off this weekend with Pro! And what a pleasant surprise as the Pro Show looks to be chronologically caught up! Bob Caudle talks to Terry Funk and Gary Hart following the Funker’s dastardly act on Flair at the Clash. Action involving the likes of Norman, the Freebirds, the Steiners with Robin Green, and multi-time VIP JotM Mr. Lee Scott. The Roadies talk the Skyscrapers, the Midnights meet the State Patrol, and Flyin’ Brian teams up with Tommy Rich vs. Ron Simmons & The Cuban
NWA Worldwide 9/16/89 (00:58:05)
Gary Hart and Dick Slater talk the Clash and the attempted murder of Ric Flair, Yeesh! Flyin’ Brian in a rematch with Eddie Gilbert! The Dynamic Dudes WITH Jim Cornette face Randy Rose & The Cuban Assassin. Plus matches with the Midnights and the SkyScrapers. And, from the pages of the NWA Magazines… Here’s Update!?!?? Plus, say it ain’t so, Jim Cornette becomes the advisor to the Dynamic Dudes? WHAT IS HAPPENING!!??!!?
NWA World Championship Wrestling 9/16/89 (01:13:52)
Jim Cornette joins Jim Ross as the new cohost of the program. Terry Funk is fined $100,000 and suspended indefinitely for his actions at the Clash! Hear how the Funker responds! Eddie Gilbert issues a challenge to Brian Pillman for a rematch next week. Congratulations are in order for Rhubarb Jones! We go old school when Tommy Rich takes on Dick Murdoch. Tons of action involving Ron Simmons, the Dudes, the Midnights, Flyin’ Brian, the SkyScrapers, the Z-Man makes his Center Stage debut vs. Mike Awesome, and the Steiner Brothers in individual competition. And we’ll hear from Lex Luger, Tommy Rich, Jim Cornette, Ron Simmons, plus Scott Steiner and Woman give their take on the “trip” from The Clash. Plus, it’s the FINAL episode of the Danger Zone as Paul E. Dangerously is FIRED at this taping for going “off-script”.
NWA Main Event 9/17/89 (01:53:09)
A special syndicated version of the show hosted by Lance Russell and the recently departed (from the company) Paul E. Dangerously. The main event of the Main Event sees a wily one when Dick Slater takes on Bobby Eaton. Plus, the State Patrol vs. Lee Scott & Agent Steel. and the Dynamic Dudes are back in action with advisor Jim Cornette. And we’ll hear from both sides of the suffocation angle as Gary Hart & Dick Slater comment before we hear a reply from Flyin’ Brian and the Nature Boy himself!
NWA Power Hour 9/22/89 (01:59:35)
NWA World Tag Champs the Birds meet the NEW Fantastics! Gordon Solie reveals a ridiculous twist in the Terry Funk suspension when he announces that Funk can’t wrestle but he can still appear on TV… WTF? Rick Steiner battles Norman the Lunatic in a fun one! The SUSPENDED Terry Funk can still host Funk’s Grill, and his guest this week is manager Gary Hart. Plus, Ranger Ross steps in the ring, and the Funker reminds kids not to attempt suffocating their siblings at home.
NWA Pro 9/23/89 (02:10:52)
Stan Lane goes one on one with Michael Hayes, Bob Caudle talks to Flyin’ Brian & Ric Flair. We hear from Lex Luger and Tommy Rich. More Clash fallout. Ron Simmons meets a Ding Dong. Plus, Terry Funk headed to a town near you…. Even though he’s suspended???
NWA Worldwide 9/23/89 (02:16:55)
Robin Green shows her true colors when her DOOM attack Scott Steiner on the streets! Dick Slater teams with the Great Muta to take on two unfortunate souls. U.S. Champ Lex Luger has a fun match with Lee Scott. A message from Jimmy Garvin, yeah-yeah-yeah. Ric Flair cuts his typical great promo, looking for revenge on Terry Funk. Plus, the Dynamic Dudes are back for revenge when they’re ADVISED by Jim Cornette as they take on the New Zealand Militia accompanied by Paul E. Dangerously, in Paul’s last appearance here in 1989. And in a special update, Gordon Solie announces the reinstatement of Terry Funk (THAT WAS FAST!) as Ric Flair paid his fine! Whoa!
NWA World Championship Wrestling 9/23/89 (02:39:54)
Flyin’ Brian battled Eddie Gilbert in their WCW Rematch. The Great Muta in handicap action. Matches involving Lex Luger, the Dudes, and the Z-Man locks in the… Z-LOCK? We’ll also hear from Gary Hart, Ric Flair, and Lex Luger issues an Open Challenge for his United States Title.
NWA Main Event 9/24/89 (02:49:40)
Another syndicated version of the Main Event with Lance Russell hosting solo now that Paul E is gone. Lots of replay action but with one new twist… Lance Russell is on the call! That’s worth the price alone!
NWA Power Hour 9/29/89 (02:51:56)
Gordon Solie talks Flair/Funk, the new Robin Green, and the WWF’s Jake Roberts! It’s Funk’s Grill with guest once again, Gary Hart as they continue to push the feud with Ric Flair! Plus, Dick Murdoch battles the Great Muta in a solid TV main event!
NWA Pro 9/30/89 (02:59:33)
She is WOMAN, hear her roar! Jim Cornette gets the Dynamic Dudes a match with World Tag Champs the Freebirds. Teddy Long renames the Road Warriors. Action with Dick Murdoch, Tommy Rich, and the SkyScrapers. Lex Luger says he’s become bigger than the sport itself… Oh, brother. Plus, Dick Slater calls out Ric Flair for a wild match to close the show!
NWA World Championship Wrestling 9/30/89 (03:16:32)
ELVIRA HAS ARRIVED! Is there dissension in Camp Cornette? See how the Midnights respond to the Dudes getting the title shot at Havoc! Dick Murdoch battles Dan Spivey. More of Woman! Promos with Animal, Flyin’ Brian, and Lex Luger warns Jim Ross about the bass in his voice! Action with World Champion Ric Flair, Road Warrior Animal, the Dudes, Flyin’ Brian, and the Steiners. Ray tells Steve how Scott Steiner REALLY got his swollen black eye! You won’t believe it… or maybe you will! Plus, Bruno Sammartino is coming to the NWA… Say Whaaaaaa?
NWA Main Event 10/1/89 (Quick Results) (03:35:22)
Quick Results from syndication, mostly replays. No Main Event on TBS due to the final Atlanta Braves game of the season. Hopefully, things pick back up for the Main Event moving forward with the Braves done for the year.