In reality, we’ve managed to track down episodes of NWA TV for the month of September 1989 that were thought to be missing forever up until now, including an episode of the NWA Main Event and a complete 2-Hour edition of NWA World Championship Wrestling for Sept. 9, but more on that next week when we resume the NWA ’89 Timeline…
While we take an extra week to view and take notes on the newly found NWA footage, we figured this special 20th episode of the Podcast would be a great time to bring all of our WrestleCopia brand projects together under one umbrella for one week only.
Not only does Royal Rumble ’96 coincide with our current discussions over at the weekly Monday Warfare Podcast (follow us on Twitter @MondayWarfare) where we break down and discuss the entire history of the Monday Night War, but it also gives everyone just a small taste of what we have to offer as part of our Watch-Along Series over at Patreon.com/WrestleCopia
Right now you can subscribe to our All-Access Tier for ONLY $5 over at Patreon.com/WrestleCopia and on top of several other benefits that tier also includes our entire library in our WATCH-ALONG SERIES which includes Coliseum Video Releases, Saturday Night’s Main Event, Clash of the Champions, and of course all other WCW and WWF PPV’s that take place throughout the course of the Monday Night War. They’re great complementary pieces that you can Watch OR Listen along to as you follow the Monday Warfare show. All of that plus more random Watch-Alongs are going up all the time!
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What to expect in this episode???
The Lineup is below!
Before we kick the Rumble PPV Watch-Along off in grand fashion, we go back in time to the WWF’s very first “FREE FOR ALL” Preshow and give that a watch as well! We hear from the returning Jake Roberts, the debuting Vader, plus HHH battles Duke “The Dumpster” Droese to determine who enters the Rumble match at #1 and who will get the coveted #30 spot!
Then it’s on to the main course, the 9th annual spectacle known as the Royal Rumble, featuring…
- Ahmed Johnson vs. “Double J” Jeff Jarrett
- WWF Tag Team Champs The Smoking Gunns vs. The Body Donnas (w/Sunny)
- Intercontinental Champion Razor Ramon vs. Goldust (w/Marlena)
- The 30-Man Royal Rumble Match featuring Shawn Michaels, Vader, Yokozuna, Diesel, Jake “The Snake” Roberts, “Ringmaster” Steve Austin, Owen Hart, The British Bulldog, Marty Jannetty, HHH, Henry Godwinn, 1-2-3 Kid, Bob Backlund, Jerry Lawler, Bob Holly, King Mabel, Dory Funk Jr., Savio Vega, All Japan’s Takao Omori, The Squat Team, USWA’s Doug Gilbert, Hakushi, Tatanka, Aldo Montoya, Kama, Barry Horowitz, Fatu, Isaac Yankem, & Duke “The Dumpster” Droese
- WWF Heavyweight Champion Bret “Hitman” Hart vs. The Undertaker
- ROYAL RUMBLE PLUS+ – Post PPV interviews with Gorilla Monsoon, Shawn Michaels, Diesel, The Undertaker, and more!
Listen to all the memories and fun as Ray and Steve relive an entire day of action from their youth. Next week it’s right back to the NWA 1989 grind, but for this week, it’s time for the Rumble… It’s time for the RRROYAL RRUMMBLLLLEEE!!!!!!
[…] we building towards the WCW Clash 32 event (over at https://www.patreon.com/wrestlecopia) and the WWF’s Royal Rumble PPV (the Watch-Along available right now over at the Wrestling Memory Gren… and all your favorite Podcast Streaming Apps!) […]