Episode 152: With Guest JOHN POZ! (OCT. 88 WWF TV – RED ROOSTER DEBUTS!)

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It’s a monster-sized 2+ Hour edition of the Grenade this week as the Poz-man cometh! We’re joined by Special Guest John Poz of the “Two Man Power Trip” Podcast Empire as he joins the show to talk the week of October 8th, 1988 in the WWF and all of the current goings on in the company! Listen in as the “little Warrior” in Ray works side-by-side with the longtime Hulkamaniac in Poz as they discuss a variety of topics, including the introduction on the Brother Love Show of Bobby Heenan’s latest charge “The Red Rooster” Terry Taylor! Plus, the transformation of the One Man Gang to Akeem, Mr. Perfect Vignettes, Hercules’ babyface turn on Ted Dibiase, the underrated gimmick of the Fabulous Rougeaus and their feud with The Hart Foundation, IC Title feud between the Ultimate Warrior vs. Honky Tonk Man, the build up of Bad News Brown coming for WWF Champion Randy Savage, the most excellent Jake Roberts/Rick Rude feud vs. the disappointing matches, USA vs. Quebec when Hacksaw Duggan deals with Dino Bravo, lingering issues between Tag Champs Demolition vs. British Bulldogs, Brutus Beefcake’s issues with The Outlaw, the awesomeness of newcomers like The Big Boss Man & Rockers, the departures of Don Muraco & JYD, the announcement of Survivor Series 88, Vince’s obsession with Dino Bravo, we also talk Koko B. Ware, Ken Patera, Crockett Job Guys, Sandy Beach… All of that and more, plus soundbites galore!

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Episode 152
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